Mylivfit workout series

Wondering how to do an exercise ?

Lat Pull Down | Wide Grip


  1. Grab bar with palms facing forward
  2. Lean back slightly
  3. Bring down the bar and slightly touch upper chest
  4. Squeeze shoulder blades
  5. Go back to initial position

Inclined Dumbbell Flyes


  1. Grab dumbbells & lye in incline bench
  2. Keep neutral grip & lower dumbbells to your side
  3. Arms should be perpendicular to body
  4. Bend elbows slightly
  5. Keep elbows with same angle
  6. Bring dumbbells above chest
  7. Pause and get back to initial position

Dumbbell Biceps Curls

  1. Grab dumbbells in each hand
  2. Keep elbows close to the body & dumbbells on a side with neutral grip
  3. Keep arms stationary
  4. Bring dumbbells back to initial position

Lying Tricep Press

  1. Lye on flat bench (use Z or straight bar)
  2. Use medium overhand grip
  3. Raise arms perpendicular to body
  4. Keep elbows tight
  5. Lower weight until arms make a right angle & bar above head
  6. Keep arms stationary & come back to starting position

Dumbbell Press | Military Press


  1. Grab dumbbells in each hand (back support bench)
  2. Put dumbbells on tights & push them to shoulder levels
  3. Turn wrists, hands should face forward
  4. Press dumbbells up
  5. Extend arms until dumbbells almost touch each other
  6. Slightly lower dumbbells down to start position


Up Right Row EZ Bar


  1. Grab an EZ bar with grip slightly less than shoulder width
  2. Arms extended, elbows slightly bent and EZ bar at thighs height
  3. Use side of shoulders to lift the bar, raise elbows up and to the side
  4. Keep bar close to your body while raising it and torso straight
  5. Lower bar back down slowly to initial position


Standing Cable Cross


  1. Put pulleys on a high position (above head), grab pulleys in each hand
  2. Stand forward, equidistant to both pulleys & pull your arms together
  3. Elbows slightly bent, extend arms to the side (straight out at both sides) in a wide arc (chest stretched)
  4. Take arms back to initial point


Push Up Close Grip


  1. Lay down on the floor facing down- place hands closer than shoulder width
  2. Keep body up at arm’s length
  3. Go slowly lowering body until chest almost touches the floor
  4. Use triceps & pectoralis, press upper body back to initial position and squeeze chest


Alternating Rear Lunges


  1. Set bar at right height and weight, step under the bar
  2. Hold on to the bar, unlock it and lift it off the rack
  3. Step backward, with one leg around two feet from the other- bring upper body down, keep torso right & keep balance
  4. Push up and go back to the initial position


Barbell Bench Press


  1. Lie back on a flat bench- use a medium width grip, slowly lift bar from rack
  2. Hold it straight over you with arms
  3. Bring bar down slowly until it touches middle chest (short pause)
  4. Push bar back to starting position (breathe out) & repeat


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